Studio Updates

10:17 AM

For those of you who follow me on any social media outlet, you know that I am not a slacker on documenting the happenings around Hey Paul Studios and beyond. I tend to forget to post most updates on this blog. Here is an overview of what's happening and what you can look forward to in the coming months.

Retail hours! Honeytree Gallery in Kansas City now has regular retail hours on Saturdays from Noon-6pm. Stop by to see my pieces and art work from several other area artists. Tell Kate that Hey Paul sent you!
I'm adding "apron maker" to my list. These anatomical aprons went over so well at the First Friday Art Market last night. I will be stitching up more! Anticipate more fabric colors, variety of sizes, and pockets.
Finally, plans for the new year are already in the works. 2013 is going to bring many new and exciting opportunities. Many collaborative projects are in the works, a blog makeover is being plotted, and more of a local presence will be felt. Stay tuned for more!

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